Political Advertisement: 1952 – 2024, Muntadas e Marshall Reese | CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turin | October 31, 2024 7.30 pm


Thursday 31 October at 7.30 pm there will be the Italian premiere of Political Advertisement 1952-2024, the eleventh edition of a four-decade collaboration between Antoni Muntadas and Marshall Reese.
Introduced by Marco Scotini with Walter Guadagnini, director of CAMERA - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia.

In the days preceding the 2024 American presidential elections, Muntadas and Reese share with the public a new episode of the Political Advertisement project, which chronicles the evolution of American electoral propaganda from 1952 to today. By comparing television advertising campaigns, from Dwight Eisenhower to Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the artists retrace the history of election ads understood both as a political strategy and as a marketing technique. The first edition of Political Advertisement was published in 1984 and since then it has been updated every four years on the occasion of elections.

For reservations: www.camera.to

Thursday 31 October at 7.30pm
CAMERA - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia
Via delle Rosine 18, Turin